What We Do

Planning Applications

We can advise in the first instance how best to advance, outlining the appropriate procedures and documentation that will be needed.

We can also provide support on planning application submissions undertaken by other professionals or by private individuals.

Planning Appeals

We are experienced in dealing with planning appeals of all types and can provide an initial opinion on the chances of success and ultimately undertake all of the professional work related to a planning appeal.

Pre-Planning Advice

If you are interested in undertaking development and are interested in some initial advice please get in touch. We are also able to advise and manage the formal pre-application process.

Planning Conditions

We can assist with advising on, packaging and submitting discharge of conditions and reserved matters applications.

Minor Amendments

Whether potential changes to an approved scheme are ‘material’ or ‘non-material’ can often be quite confusing and we are able to assist with advising on this in the first instance. We are also able to subsequently package and submit the formal applications if required.

Planning Enforcement

We are experienced advising on and dealing formally with planning enforcement matters. We are able to help if you have received a letter from the local Council alleging a breach of planning control or if it has become more serious and you have received an enforcement notice.

Professional Representation

We are able to assist community groups or private individuals in terms of providing formal written representations in response to consultations on emerging local plan documents or with respect to planning consultations on current applications or appeals. We are also able to represent groups of individuals at planning committee meetings, hearing sessions and similar.

Permitted Development

We are able to advise on permitted development regulations with respect to small-scale matters such as house extensions and outbuildings but also more complicated matters relating to changes of use and the prior approval process.

We are also able to prepare and submit applications for lawful development certificates either for proposed use or development or for more complicated existing lawful use certificates.

Neighbourhood Planning

We are able to assist local community groups such as Parish and Town Council’s who are at an early stage of Neighbourhood Planning to understand the process, devise a strategy and help compile the documents in order to successfully adopt their Plan.